I am stuck

I don’t know how I want to arrange these, I have more I want to cut, and I want to cut another small block or two for more variation. I am trying to figure out how to arrange these, before I layer them. I have a mono print that I love, and a few blue …

I am not good at updating the blog.

I have a compilation of images from the past few weeks. I always know I need to update the blog when I am taking progress shots, but when I clean up my kitchen studio I forget. Why am I like this? So now what am I working on? I am cutting out my prints an …

Senior Year House

I want to do my house this year in a similar style to my previous house painting. I really like the little ginger-bread detailing on our porch and the tan and red combination. I had the previous house painting aligned on the right of my canvas with some background showing on the left side but …

Yosemite Landscape (progress pt.2)

I spent more time working on my painting this week. I realized how much time I spend working on such a small part; this painting is going to definitely take a while to finish because it is super big and needs extreme detailing.

My Website is Live

I was able to purchase the domain (free for the first year), and get a year subscription for 50% off since I’m a student for the next year using square space (in case any one else needs a website for their work). My website is live and I’ve been sending it to everyone looking for …

4/2 Update

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-_F7zHC0BNYmxxE4xWTU5mPfPihes4_j?usp=sharing This work day was a little bit of a fail. It stinks when nothing is going the way you want it to go. On a positive note, I got a ton of new ideas to work with, but that also means I have to figure out how am I going to be able to …

Senior Exhibition Work

IT’S DONE! Well.. Almost. These are photos of the completed work! (Except the first one I have added something additional on top of the oil painting so I guess you just have to come see for yourself what it looks like). Other than the Artist Statement I have finished up all the pieces for the …

Website Design Inspiration

Here are some websites that are similar to how I want mine to turn out. It’s important to me that I am able to link a PDF of my resume on the website. https://www.lisasterle.com/ https://www.elizabethkeiser.net/

My Proofs!

First of all, I just want say I am really happy with how these are turning out!!! Second, I have no black ink left, so I could only pull off one print that was actually saturated and not splotchy. But I personally like how the dryer (drier?) ones look, it looks like the texture of …

Animation Rough Cut

Hey everyone. Sorry I couldn’t make it to class today. Here is the completed ROUGHCUT of my animated short project, “Her World In Colors.” During the inking stage I will most likely add additional “in between frames” to make the animation more fluid. For the most part though, this roughcut is a good visual of …

Updated Draft of Artist Statement

Shana Lichaw  One way to combine graphic design and photography is by the method of collaging. The idea of how society  throughout the years puts altered  images in the media needs to be explored more. Collaging began under this pair of artists Picaso and Braque who began working with various mediums to create avant-garde assemblages …

Mesh Embroidery for Face Mask

The start of some embroidery on mesh fabric for the face mask in my final piece. When speaking to Amanda about our projects she made me think of this idea to create the covid virus embroidery pieces on the scrap fabrics, cut them out and have them velcroed onto the painting. This could be an …

Lino Cutting Pt1

https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wz6J_3xaaxRkJ2NQcS2_tAVBtpEqa7CM?usp=sharing View the link to access the images from the past two weeks. I redesigned the digital coral art I made originally depicting a red coral with thin spikey branches. I found a coral in my house, one that has been here for at least 20 years that I have surely looked at hundreds of …

Evolution of My Logo

This is where I left my logo at two weeks ago. Since then I’ve been playing around with incorporating negative space, using different shapes, switching from crescents to a series of overlapping circles etc. Which led me here where I sat for hours trying different things to improve the design. After being frustrated and feeling …