Category: Viola

Senior Exhibition Work

IT’S DONE! Well.. Almost. These are photos of the completed work! (Except the first one I have added something additional on top of the oil painting so I guess you just have to come see for yourself what it looks like). Other than the Artist Statement I have finished up all the pieces for the …

Mesh Embroidery for Face Mask

The start of some embroidery on mesh fabric for the face mask in my final piece. When speaking to Amanda about our projects she made me think of this idea to create the covid virus embroidery pieces on the scrap fabrics, cut them out and have them velcroed onto the painting. This could be an …

Current Exploration in COVID Floral Embroidery

Using scraps of canvas fabric I have been experimenting with how to go about creating the COVID floral viruses with embroidery. I am not sure I get across the virus feel with this. It just looks like a round bush with some flowers so I am not sure where to go with this. Should I …

Digital Sketches

I digitally sketched out my plan for an oil or acrylic canvas self-portrait painting. I have done traditional gouache sketch painting, oil painting and graphite on paper sketches to try to illustrate my self-portrait from life. I find that drawing/painting from life is extremely difficult as I am the worst sitter for myself (can’t stop …

Preliminary Research

In this article it talks about art created during plagues of the past. The main themes are that in the beginning a lot of art was religious and people who were infected and pass from the disease were seen as punished by God and will suffer for eternity. Personally, I do not believe I will …