Category: Students

Nature Montage Paintings (Work in progress)

I am inspired by the artist David Hockey and am thinking of creating a nature montage painting similar to the Hockney’s photomontages. The images are below, I took a screenshot of some of the nature images I am going to paint as well as some work in progress.

Nature Film

Here are some screenshots that I took of my short nature film. I will be focusing more on moving on to my nature montage painting, which I will do another post about to share some ideas. I will get back to my nature film, once I have completed my paintings. Just as a reminder, I …

Animation Inspirations

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about what inspired me to create my animated short project, “Her World In Colors!” This idea has been in my head for a LONG TIME, but I am glad it is finally able to take shape! Let’s jump right into it! The first …

Photographs for Exhibition Submission

Artist Statement: Experiences we have during our youth help shape the way we look at the world. In my small Pennsylvania town we had a series of snow storms that shut down schools, roads, and businesses for days. During this time our area, usually busy and full of life was blanketed by silence. The only …

Artist Statement_Draft 1

Sample Artist Statement- Shana Lichaw  The best way to combine graphic design and photography is by the method of collaging. The idea of how society puts fake images in the media needs to be explored more. The title of my artwork “Break the Photograph” explores how as a society we put images out into the …

updated “fake”

I think that this one is much more my vibe..the text is clearer..the lipstick looks more realistic and I think the edit on the actual photograph is better!

Current Exploration in COVID Floral Embroidery

Using scraps of canvas fabric I have been experimenting with how to go about creating the COVID floral viruses with embroidery. I am not sure I get across the virus feel with this. It just looks like a round bush with some flowers so I am not sure where to go with this. Should I …

Home drawing: Ink

I was able to do the first round of ink for my painting! I will be adding hatching or some sort of shading after adding some color but I wanted to get the most important lines of the piece and place in the bush! I took inspiration for the bush from instagram artist @maltzcreative, which …


I am thinking I could use these as the overlay over the new image ideas to make it more modern while using the existing collages Also, adding these to the pages where there is white space above the collages

Her World In Progress Process Check 1

“Her World In Colors” is an animated short project that will span approximately 4 minutes in length and will explore gender transitioning. The song accompanying the animation is Euphoria by BTS. “Her World In Colors” revolves around the protagonist named Z. The name “Z” is a direct reference to the X and Y sex chromosomes. …

Digital Draft of my Painting

In the past week and a half, I was very happy to have finally completed my digital first draft of the painting idea I have for Advanced Studio. It is going to be a large surrealism piece (30″x40″), inspired by human biology and the idea of intrinsic motivation. I’ve never painted something this abstract or …

Precious Red Corals

Red corals are gorgeous, first of all. But what makes them unique is their spines that are left behind remain red/pink in color once they are dead. Their vibrant red hue against the blue waters of the ocean is what really fascinated me. I went a little anti science with my creative approach on my …

Childhood Home Painting

I am doing a painting of my childhood home in Carlisle, PA. Due to the snow all over the ground and my house, I am working off an old image I have that has a water color filter on it but I have some smaller up-close pictures that I am also working off of and …

Digital Sketches

I digitally sketched out my plan for an oil or acrylic canvas self-portrait painting. I have done traditional gouache sketch painting, oil painting and graphite on paper sketches to try to illustrate my self-portrait from life. I find that drawing/painting from life is extremely difficult as I am the worst sitter for myself (can’t stop …

Start of Collages

These are 5 collages that I made using Adobe Photoshop. The process that I did to create these was: Took pictures of old magazines I purchased off of Etsy on my phone and brought them into my computer and edited them Then I took photos I took throughout my travels and layered them with the …