Author: Amanda

My Website is Live

I was able to purchase the domain (free for the first year), and get a year subscription for 50% off since I’m a student for the next year using square space (in case any one else needs a website for their work). My website is live and I’ve been sending it to everyone looking for …

Website Design Inspiration

Here are some websites that are similar to how I want mine to turn out. It’s important to me that I am able to link a PDF of my resume on the website.

Evolution of My Logo

This is where I left my logo at two weeks ago. Since then I’ve been playing around with incorporating negative space, using different shapes, switching from crescents to a series of overlapping circles etc. Which led me here where I sat for hours trying different things to improve the design. After being frustrated and feeling …

Photographs for Exhibition Submission

Artist Statement: Experiences we have during our youth help shape the way we look at the world. In my small Pennsylvania town we had a series of snow storms that shut down schools, roads, and businesses for days. During this time our area, usually busy and full of life was blanketed by silence. The only …

Inspiration and Color Palette Ideas

I’ve gathered some inspiration from other artists online. I really love Lisa Sterle’s logo design I want to start creating thumbnails with a similar aesthetic and I’ve started to think about color options. I love futuristic and neon color combinations but I have to be careful to not pick a palette that is so vibrant …

Logo Creative Brief/Inspiration

I met my personal deadline for my creative brief and mood board. I’ve done some research on branding myself and was able to gather a lot of inspiration from Instagram and other online sources!

Logo Design Research 1

The first step in researching the process of a personal logo design led me to this website. Where I was able to begin learning about the process involved to create a professional logo for my graphic design portfolio. In a 6 step process the author explains how to begin the creative process. Write a Creative …

Introduction-Amanda Lugo

Hello! My name is Amanda and I’m a senior. I’m working towards my BA in Graphic Design with a minor in Art History. I’m a local to the Lehigh Valley and I’ll be attending remotely this semester. I currently live in Easton, ironically not that far from Lafayette! I’ve taken several studios in the past.