Lino Cutting Pt1

View the link to access the images from the past two weeks.

I redesigned the digital coral art I made originally depicting a red coral with thin spikey branches. I found a coral in my house, one that has been here for at least 20 years that I have surely looked at hundreds of times but never really noticed until the other day. It is the bones of a coral that was branch like and rounded – it was an acropora. I don’t know where my family got the coral, or where it came from in the ocean. I don’t know what color its flesh was. I just have its white skeleton as a decoration.

The new design I drew depicts the coral I found. It still shares the branch like qualities, but much less harsh.

I printed out the image, and applied graphite to the spaces I was going to remove from the linoleum block. I transferred the image to the block and then outlined the corals to better understand my graphite transfer. I even put X’s on the spaces I was going to remove.

I have gotten maybe 40% of the way done with carving at this point. I think my first few cuts weren’t as great as I later got a hang of it. I think after I test my block I will have to go in and refine some of the edges.

1 Comment

  1. Deirdre Murphy says:

    Great photo of your process. What tools did you get and how do they work for you? I am excited to see your final print.

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