Photographs for Exhibition Submission

Artist Statement:

Experiences we have during our youth help shape the way we look at the world. In my small Pennsylvania town we had a series of snow storms that shut down schools, roads, and businesses for days. During this time our area, usually busy and full of life was blanketed by silence. The only sounds that could be heard were of children sledding, laughing, and playing in the snow. This inspired me to capture this experience.

Each shot was taken with a Canon Rebel T7 and edited in Adobe Photoshop. My goal was to capture the experience of this massive snowfall through the lense of a child. Nostalgic by my own experiences as a child I decided to stick to what I remembered seeing during the snow. Sledding on the bill hills at the local park, walking through empty parking lots while the sun melted the ice beneath my feet, and hiding behind piles of plowed snow to jump out and scare my friends.


  1. Shana Lichaw says:

    Love this photo series!! in {} are edits

    Experiences we have during our youth help shape the way we look at the world. In my small Pennsylvania town we had a series of snow storms that shut down schools, roads, and businesses for days {on end} . During this time {in} our area {which is} usually busy and full of life was blanketed by silence. The only sounds that could be heard were of children sledding, laughing, and playing in the snow. This inspired me to capture this experience.

    Each shot was taken with a Canon Rebel T7 and edited in Adobe Photoshop. My goal was to capture the experience of this massive snowfall through the lense of a child. Nostalgic by my own experiences as a child I decided to stick to what I remembered seeing during the snow {storms}. Sledding on the bill hills at the local park, walking through empty parking lots while the sun melted the ice beneath my feet, and hiding behind piles of plowed snow to jump out and scare my friends.

  2. Evelyn says:

    I like this photo series because it personally makes me feel nostalgic. I really appreciated the fact that you really know how to make your viewers/audiences connect personally with your work!

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