Artist Statement_Draft 1

Sample Artist Statement- Shana Lichaw 

The best way to combine graphic design and photography is by the method of collaging. The idea of how society puts fake images in the media needs to be explored more. The title of my artwork “Break the Photograph” explores how as a society we put images out into the world and hold ourselves to a certain standard. Most people cannot see behind the filters, photoshopping, and amount of tries it takes to get the perfect shot. This idea became of interest to me after I started photography. I first learned the way photographs can be edited with photoshop which then gave me a different type of lens to look at everything I see on social media. 

I created this series because a lot of people close me have been negatively affected by what they see on social media. Easier said than done to say my series of collages explores how you can break up a photograph with different elements of other works of art and create a beautiful image without giving unrealistic expectations.

Process: I took old magazines, my own photographs, and typography I hand drew and combined them digitally to create a series final collage. First, I took photos of old magazines I purchased with my phone and brought them into photoshop to combine with my own photographs throughout my travels. I wanted to add this personal aspect of my own travels to the collages rather than using free imagery. Throughout this process I learned how the image that women are depicted by has changed throughout the years while also remaining the same. 


  1. Deirdre Murphy says:

    This is a good start to your artist statement. Perhaps add a note about the history of collage and some of the artists that inspire you and be more specific about what aspects of women have changed over the years and what depections remain the same. What type of change do you hope to effect?

    1. Shana Lichaw says:

      The best way to combine graphic design and photography is by the method of collaging. The idea of how society puts fake images in the media needs to be explored more. Collaging began under this pair of artists Picaso and Barque who began working with various mediums to create avant-garde assemblages around 1910. Some of my inspirations that are some of the so called original collagists are Barba Krueger and Hannah Höch.

      The title of my artwork “Break the Photograph” explores women imagery in the media. As society images are put out into the world and we hold ourselves to a certain standard based on what we see. Most people cannot see behind the filters, photoshopping, and amount of tries it takes to get the perfect shot. This idea became of interest to me after I started photography. I first learned the way photographs can be edited with photoshop which then gave me a different lens to look at the media with. However, a lot of depictions of women have remained the same since we are still viewed as empowering to others. The biggest change is the imagery of women has gotten more unrealistics but the standing messages are always constant.

      I created this series because a lot of people close me have been negatively affected by what they see on social media. Easier said than done to say my series of collages explores how you can break up a photograph with different elements of other works of art and create a beautiful image without giving unrealistic expectations. I want to give people the feeling of “It’s okay to see this on my instagram feed” or “I do not actually have to look like that” to stop the teenagers around the world fighting the images they see on social media.

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