“Her World In Colors” is an animated short project that will span approximately 4 minutes in length and will explore gender transitioning. The song accompanying the animation is Euphoria by BTS.

“Her World In Colors” revolves around the protagonist named Z. The name “Z” is a direct reference to the X and Y sex chromosomes. Z was born male. Their father wants them to become the perfect son he has always wanted. From a young age, Z is exposed to “masculine activities” such as sports and deferred from more “feminine activities” like playing with dolls.

The main characters in the animation include Z, Z’s Father, Z’s Mother, and Z’s Twin Sisters. Each character falls into stereotypical gender roles. Z’s mother is the primary caretaker and the two sisters are very interested in “feminine things” like fashion and makeup.

The animation will be split into THREE ACTS: Childhood, Adolescence, and Adulthood. Throughout the timeline, Z will discover that they feel like they were born in the wrong body. Z will take an obsessive interest in their sister’s secure sense of self before ultimately realizing that they were always meant to be a woman.

The constant struggle in Z’s story is his fear of rejection. Z’s father exhibits hypermasculinity and is only interested in raising a traditional nuclear family. The two will grow apart as Z begins to discover his gender identity.

The Animation will be mostly in greyscale to symbolize the Z’s feeling of not belonging in the world they were born into. In the climax of the animation, color will be present, symbolizing Z finally seeing a world of color when they finally learn to accept themselves.

1 Comment
Your character development is coming along well. Perhaps you can add still shots from the movies that transition from black and white to color so that the other students can see you inspiration.