Nature Montage Paintings (Work in progress)

I am inspired by the artist David Hockey and am thinking of creating a nature montage painting similar to the Hockney’s photomontages. The images are below, I took a screenshot of some of the nature images I am going to paint as well as some work in progress.


  1. Shana Lichaw says:

    so are you going to paint the images that you took? That’d be super cool

    1. Evelyn says:

      Yes! I am thinking of doing that but am also thinking of making it look similar the Hockney’s pieces to make it seem like a shutter effect/static collage!

  2. Erica Fischer says:

    Evelyn this is super cool! It is awesome that you headed into this direction. I really love the montage so far and I can’t wait to see how your progress!

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