Art 173 Spring 2021 | Friday 12 – 2pm | Building C1
Zoom link: 725 194 8857
This course emphasizes directed projects in individual studio practice. Group critiques and assignments will anchor the class with self-directed research and inquiry-based projects culminating in final critique and exhibitions. Professional practice concepts will be covered with CV building and artist statements.

Course Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, students will be able to
- Demonstrate how to propose and execute a self-directed studio research project
- Solve visual problems utilizing form and content as analytical tools
- Create an innovative body of work for a portfolio or exhibition
- Craft an artist statement and curriculum vitae
- Confidently use art vocabulary to analyze art
This class is a “maker-class” where we learn by doing, however, each concept will be introduced with a slide show of art-historical, contemporary and student examples paired with a technical demonstration. At the end of each concept, we will critique student work and completed projects will be graded as well as some in-class short assignments. This is an energetic, engaged learning environment where students are encouraged to take risks and challenge their understanding of a studio practice.
Lab Fee: There is no lab fee for this class. Students are expected to purchase materials as needed based on their individual studio projects.
Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
Lehigh University is committed to maintaining an equitable and inclusive community and welcomes students with disabilities into all of the University’s educational programs. If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting accommodations, please contact both your instructor and the Office of Academic Support Services, Williams Hall, Suite 301 (610-758-4152) as early as possible in the semester. You must have documentation from the Academic Support Services office before accommodations can be granted. For more information or to request services, please contact Disability Support Services in person in Williams Hall, Suite 301, via phone at 610-758-4152, via email at, or online at
Lehigh University endorses The Principles of Our Equitable Community. We expect each member of this class to acknowledge and practice these Principles. Respect for each other and for differing viewpoints is a vital component of the learning environment inside and outside the classroom.
Academic Integrity
If a portion of your work (ie: artist statement & research presentations) is not your own, you must cite the source completely. Images are also copyrighted. Even when you utilize “copy-free” work from Wikimedia Commons, there are rules for how the author is to be credited. See the Library Tutorials for Research Success.
Attendance / Grading / Cell Phone Policy
Punctuality and attendance are mandatory. New concepts will be introduced daily, as well as discussions and demonstrations that cannot be made up. More than three unexcused absences will result in a grade drop and a Section 3 report will be issued. Three unexcused tardies are considered an absence. A doctor’s, deans or judge letter must accompany excused absences. Homework that is turned in late will drop a half letter for each day that it is late. It is the student’s responsibility to find out missed assignments. The use of phones for texting and calls is strictly prohibited during class time. Students may listen to headphones with one earbud only so that they can hear class instructions.
Evaluation Criteria
- Attendance 25%
- Completion & quality of in-class work 35%
- Blog Posts / Homework 20%
- Critique Skills / BLOG comments Participation /Sketchbook 5%
- Midterm & Final Projects 15%
Students are expected to do a minimum of 3 -6 homework hours per week. Monday studio sessions are primarily work sessions & individual critics. Friday sessions are self-directed. You are expected to be working. Group critiques will be held twice a month, dates TBA. Verbal participation during critiques is required. Students may resubmit projects for an improved grade resulting in an average of original and final re-submitted grade. Please discuss with instructor. Attendance of LUAG events & visiting artist lectures is extra credit.
Sketchbooks are a mandatory and self-directed part of this class. You can draw, write poetry, write responses to gallery shows and lectures-it is your artistic and cognitive map. Sketchbook will be reviewed at midterm and final as well as support material for in-class projects.
Assignment Schedule * Instructor may modify material or schedule. All changes will be announced in class.
Feb 5 | ALL REMOTE / ZOOM CLASS Introduction to course, supplies & syllabus.Set up your studio as a mini gallery for Friday. Claim a locker. | Prepare Artist TED talk consisting of 5-10 images of your strongest most recent work. |
Feb 12 | Student Presentations / Artist TED talkIntro Series Drawing Iacccoa Speilman Gallery application due Feb 15 | Individual Studio Practice / Written Proposal Draft & work session |
Feb 19 | Individual Studio Practice / Written Proposal Draft & work session. | 3-6 hours homework |
Feb 26 | LUAG | Choose 1 artwork to share and discuss in the following class. |
March 5 | Present Individual Research, Mentor and Inquiry Proposal to the class. Feedback from class. | |
March 12 | Present Individual Research, Mentor and Inquiry Proposal to the class. Feedback from class. | Studio Practice Written response to Equilabrar Exhibition focusing on one artist. |
March 19 | Studio Sessions with Individual Critiques | |
March 26 | Research 3 Contemporary Mentor Artists to share with the class. | Studio Process & Production3 Contemporary Mentors presentation / Google slide presentation |
April 2 | Studio Sessions with Individual CritiquesProfessional Practice / How to write an artist CV / Exhibition Resume | CV draft due for review / Studio Work |
April 9 | MIDTERM crit and self evaluation Professional Practice / How to write an artist statement / Studio Sessions with Individual Critiques | Artist Statement draft due for peer review / Group Studio Crit |
April 16 | Professional Practice / Taxes for ArtistsStudio Sessions with Individual Critiques | Guest: Christianne Kapps |
April 23 | Professional Practice / How to apply for juried exhibitions & galleries/gallery guest Studio Sessions with Individual Critiques | CV due for grade / Studio Work Visiting Artist Crits |
April 30 | Professional Practice / How to apply for internships and residencies Studio Sessions with Individual Critiques | Individual Studio Work & Group Critique |
May 7 | Capstone Installation | Celebration! |
Field Trips TBA | Philadelphia Museums and Galleries | |
Allentown Museum of Art, Durham Press, Banana Factory | ||
Extra Credit / Advanced Studio Students must attend at least one of these events.
- Art & Dialogue Events Happening all Spring Semester.
- Attend any of the LUAG exhibitions, events & lectures
- Write a response in your blog, you can take a photo of your sketchbook as a response.